LEDs: White SES = Forward feed, Orange SES = Reverse feed, DMZ = Cutout NOTE: The LEDs on the WRT54GL use inverse logic i.e. ON = 0v, OFF = 3.3v Hence, to activate a function, turn its associated LED *off* Boot scripts on the WRT54GL will set each LED on by default # Forward feed control (i.e. white Cisco LED off to feed) Start: echo '0' > /proc/diag/led/ses_white Stop: echo '1' > /proc/diag/led/ses_white # Reverse feed control (i.e. orange Cisco LED off to feed) Start: echo '0' > /proc/diag/led/ses_orange Stop: echo '1' > /proc/diag/led/ses_orange # Cutout (i.e. DMZ LED off, white/orange LEDs in whatever state they like) Cutout: echo '0' > /proc/diag/led/dmz Resume: echo '0' > /proc/diag/led/dmz WARNING!! - DO NOT TURN THE WHITE AND ORANGE LEDS OFF AT THE SAME TIME (I.E. ATTEMPT TO SIMULTANEOUSLY FORWARD AND REVERSE FEED) AS I THINK THIS MIGHT FRY THE REVERSE TRANSISTOR!