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Life saver!!!

Added: July 9, 2024
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You lit gave us more info than even Hyundai service has here.

Thank you :*

Added: June 6, 2024
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Thanks Matt !! It's make my 1999 Tibby running well. :o

Added: April 19, 2024
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Hey mate. So we're doing this Shitbox Rally this year across Australia in... a '96 Coupe. You have no idea how much I have relied on your website. I have fixed so many problems in the car and now it's ready to roll. Massive thanks for maintaining the site!

Added: March 7, 2024
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hi, I'm glad to find this website about my coupe & network information. thank you very much from PH. :D 2024

Added: January 18, 2024
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Hey I found your website while looking for info on Hyundai Coupé, as I'm helping my sister buy an old one. Great resource thanks a bunch.

Added: June 15, 2023
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I was just surfing the web looking at the service intervals for Hyundai coupes and stumbled upon your website

Added: April 24, 2023
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Thank You :!cool: :!clap:

Added: September 7, 2022
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Over 10yrs later and I'm still coming here for Tiburon/Coupe reference. Thanks Matt for keeping this site up after all this time! :!clap: :!beer:

Added: March 15, 2022
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Hello, thanks for all Coupe manuals :D THX. <3

Added: October 11, 2021
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